Winter weather policy

Just a reminder of our winter weather policy … we follow the call of the Prince George’s County Public Schools. If schools are closed for inclement weather, all church activities are canceled and the office is closed. If they open 2 hours late, all morning activities (bible study, bread ministry, office hours) are canceled. Likewise, … [Read more…]

Handel’s Messiah – December 2

We at Oxon Hill United Methodist Church are excited to host the Fort Washington Community Choir and their annual performance of the classic “Messiah” by G.F. Handel on Sunday, Dec. 2. The performance will begin at 4 p.m., with the doors opening at 3:15. Please bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the Oxon … [Read more…]

July 2018 Newsletter

Well, what do you know? We have a newsletter! Those of you who’ve been around long enough might remember something called the Milestones, a monthly then bi-monthly publication about the comings, goings and goings-on at Oxon Hill UMC. Now, it’s back in a different form. A lot of the tidbits of information that come from … [Read more…]

A Big VBS Thank-You!

To all who attended our “Who We Are, Whose We Are” week of Vacation Bible School from July 9 to 13, here’s a big, hearty, heartfelt THANK YOU! Doesn’t matter what you did — student, teacher, pastor, musician, helper, cook, audio/video team, whatever — we couldn’t have done it without YOU! We’ll crank it up … [Read more…]