Thursday July 11 VBS cancelled

Because of the weather forecast for heavy thunderstorms and a flash flood watch during what would be our time of Vacation Bible School, the Thursday July 11 session has been CANCELLED. We’ll see everyone back for our last night of the Rollin’ River Rampage on Friday! Be blessed!

Revision of information request procedures

This from the Pastor: Requests for copies of certificates of baptism, confirmation, marriage and membership must be submitted in writing and mailed to the church, with proof of identification (government issued) prior to the release of any information or documentation.

Holy Week 2019

We have a full week of worship opportunities during this year’s Holy Week. Please join us as often as you can and we pray it helps in your Lenten journey and then, your Resurrection celebration! SUNDAY April 14 — 10:30 a.m. — PALM/PASSION SUNDAY We’ll wave our palms to observe Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem while … [Read more…]