August 18th, 2024 | #StudentRecognition Sunday
As our youth in grade school return to class, we recognized their achievements of the previous school year. That served to remind them that hard work pays off! We also blessed their backpacks so they may be protected by God’s grace for the upcoming school year.
Accordingly, we were reminded that when we eat “real food”, the bread of life, we abide in God and allow His Mighty power to nurture and empower us.
Photos: Russ Snyder
Each Sunday, our service is livestreamed via Facebook Live. Then, our in-house video ‘doctor’ takes the archived footage, trims the inactive parts, enhances the less-than-stellar parts and puts the finished product on our YouTube page.
That version of our August 18 service can be found here:
CCLI License #: 2601030
Streaming License #: 20550562
CVLI Video License #: 504162923