May 19th, 2024 | #Pentecost | Third Sunday of #AsianAmericanPacificIslanderHeritageMonth
The celebration of the Holy Spirit was ablaze in our Pentecost Sunday worship!
The Word was preached by the Rev. James Brown (no, not THAT one!), filling us with the flame of faith!
Our photographic highlights, provided by Russ Snyder, are below:
Now, you have to know that a Pentecost service is filled with movement and song! We have you covered there as well!
Our weekly worship experience refreshes us to face the week ahead. We’re ready to share that with you! Come join us in person or take a peek at our weekly livestream on Facebook Live. Sunday School is at 9:20 a.m., with worship following at 10:30. All of God’s children are welcome at OHUMC!
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