May 12th, 2024 | #MothersDay | Second Sunday of #AsianAmericanPacificIslanderHeritageMonth
During Pastor Cho’s vacation, we were pleased and blessed to welcome back Minister Gregory Parham to Oxon Hill! Dr. Parham and his wife, Delilah, are no strangers here as they helped guide us through a time of pastoral transition. (Which happened to be when COVID-19 hit!)
On Mothers’ Day, we honored our moms by bringing pictures and placing them on the window sills.
Cecile Enis presented the AAPI Heritage moment and the AAPI Heritage Choir lifted their voices with songs of the culture.
We also are happy that Russ Snyder is back in his photo-snapping ways. See those highlights below:
Yet, as we all know, still photos can’t talk or sing! That’s why the edited video version of our weekly livestream is provided here!
We are at the convergence of Bock and Livingston roads every Sunday morning for 9:20 Sunday School and 10:30 worship. A friendly face and God-loving heart is here to welcome you to our Spirit-filled worship experience!
The livestream is also available on our Facebook page.
CCLI License #: 2601030
Streaming License #: 20550562
CVLI Video License #: 504162923