Sunday, April 30, was the #FourthSundayOfEaster but also the fifth Sunday of the month.
On fifth Sundays, in addition to praising The Lord, we mark #MissionSunday, where we highlight the mission work of several ministries. Among these are the installation of a memorial plaque honoring brother William ’Bill’ Dempsey, the founder of our #breadministry, which now serves an average of 250 bags of healthy, sustainable food options per week.
We also highlighted our partnerships with local schools to provide holiday food baskets as well as school supplies to those families and students in need. We are beyond blessed to be a blessing to our community. If you’re interested in donating items or volunteering your time please reach out to
Valorie Harrison:
Cindy Cobleigh:
In the meantime, please enjoy the photo highlights . . . #BeBlessed
Photos: Russ Snyder
With these highlights comes the edited version of the worship video. Our services are livestreamed via Zoom and Facebook every Sunday, with the final edit posted on YouTube a few days later. Here’s the one from April 30:
CCLI License #: 2601030
Streaming License #: 20550562
CVLI Video License #: 504162923