On Sunday, February 26, 2023, the fourth and culminating Sunday worship service of our #AfricanAmericanHeritatageMonth celebration was uplifting, enlightening and exhilarating.
We were blessed with a special presentation by our children’s Sunday School students, who sang and signed “Jesus Loves Me.” We also welcomed back friend to #OHUMC Minister Gregory Parham, whose message was informative and faithfully grounded.
Sister Joann McClain presented the heritage moment, highlighting the pivotal work of her beloved husband, the late Rev. Dr. Bobby McClain, in advancing equal rights and justice, in segregated communities.
The dancers of Donna’s Dance … A Studio performed a spiritually moving piece and we heard the story of Harriet Jacobs, a slave and writer through song by Sydney Johnson accompanied by her dad Tim on guitar.
Lastly, we gathered together in faithful fellowship to enjoy a celebratory meal following worship. Here are some photo highlights . . . #BeBlessed
Photos: Russ Snyder
And, here’s the edited version of the worship service, which is streamed live every Sunday via Zoom and Facebook Live:
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