We’ve made it through the summer, which means many of our church activities and groups awake from their seasonal siestas and get back into gear.
Here’s what’s returning and happening in the month:
THURSDAY SEPT. 5 — Our music ministries gather to resume rehearsals. The Otterbein Handbell Choir will have its first rehearsal at 5 p.m. The singing Sanctuary Choir follows at 6:30 p.m. Do you have a musical itch that needs to be scratched? Either — or both — group will welcome you with open arms, a hearty hug and a smile.
SUNDAY SEPT. 8 — The Worship Ministry will meet in the 3rd floor conference room following the worship service. The United Methodist Men will meet, probably in the Youth Room.
TUESDAY SEPT. 10 and THURSDAY SEPT. 12 — Pastor Pat’s Bible Study resumes — Tuesday evening at 6:30 and Thursday morning at 11. Part of the Fall study will be using the book “Forward” by Nick Cunningham. The book is available through several online book sellers. See the Pastor in church for more details.
SUNDAY SEPT. 22 — 208th Anniversary Celebration! We do this one big. Music will be provided by the “Age is Nothing But a Number” Youth Choir (meaning: young enough to sing, yet old enough to not care how you sound!) under the direction of Mary Thomas. The message will come from Rev. Dr. Johnsie Cogman, the new Superintendent of the Washington East District. And after the service, we will join in an Anniversary meal.
SUNDAY SEPT. 29 — Church Council meeting after worship. The purpose of the meeting is to consider all ministry reports in advance of our Oct. 13 Charge Conference. Ministry leaders are asked to submit their reports to co-chair Vivian Sayeh-Weeks by Monday, Sept. 9.
* This is a change from an earlier date. Because of this change, the previously scheduled Chew N’ Chat will not be held.
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