December is a busy month at our church (really? it is? naaahhh …. ) We get giddy as the days and weeks go by and we get closer to Christmas. There’s plenty of spirit and joy to go around. Here’s how you can share in it:
EVERY SUNDAY — 10:30 a.m. — Praise, prayer, scripture and song are part of the worship experience as we enter a 7-part series of “Prepare The Way: Advent to Epiphany”. We will also share in communion every week in Advent. And, knowing Pastor Pat, it’ll be done in some unique and special ways.
THIS SUNDAY — Dec. 2, 4 p.m. — HANDEL’S “MESSIAH” — join is as we welcome the Fort Washington Community Choir for a performance of Handel’s “Messiah.” We ask that you bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the Oxon Hill Food Pantry. Doors open at 3:15 p.m.
SATURDAY, DEC. 8 — 10 a.m. — USHERS’ BREAKFAST — All ushers are invited to the church for breakfast.
SATURDAY, DEC. 8 — 3 p.m. — CAROLING AND CHILI — the annual tradition of spreading heart-warming Christmas love and cheer to those in our community and OHUMC folk unable to come to church, followed by a variety of body-warming chili when we return to the church.
SUNDAY, DEC. 9 — after worship — COUNCIL MEETING — OK, it’s not QUITE an Advent event but important all the same.
SUNDAY, DEC. 16 — after worship — CHRISTMAS PARTY and COOKIE EXCHANGE — pretty self-explanatory, no? This is in place of the monthly Chew-N-Chat. We like cookies. Bring some!
MONDAY, DEC. 24 — 6 p.m. — FAMILY CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE — The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated! (And leaves enough time for a certain S.C. to get his work done too!) Carols, communion and candlelight highlight our time together.