Advent events at Oxon Hill UMC

We’ve reached that season of anticipation of and preparation for the birth of Jesus! We have several events planned that will help everyone share in the spirit of the season and get ready for that special arrival:

Sunday, Dec. 3 — 10:30 a.m. — FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT — We start the month with communion, the handbell choir and the first lighting of the Advent wreath.

Saturday, Dec. 9 — 3:00 p.m. — CAROLING AND CHILI — Our tradition of gathering and then traveling to sing carols for our members who are bound to their homes or in senior living communities. Then, we return to the church to warm up and then share in a variety of chili dishes (with all the proper toppings) before huddling around the speakerphone to sing for members and friends who are a bit further away. The feeling you get when you see the faces of the people who love to join in the singing and appreciate you just being there to visit them is truly special. Don’t be shy! Join us!

Sunday, Dec. 17 — 10:30 a.m. — BLUE CHRISTMAS — Frankly, your Webmaster has nothing more to share about what this might be other than it will be a part of the Sunday morning’s service. It’s another of Pastor Pat’s signature twists of teaching, preaching and spirit. (I’ve been assured it has nothing to do with Elvis, though.) Like her previous twists, it’ll be meaningful to all who are there.

Friday, Dec. 22 — 6:30 p.m. — A NIGHT WITH THE SHEPHERDS — Come hear the Christmas story as told by the shepherds who were startled by the appearance of that mesmerizing star on that special night. (Don’t worry, it’s indoors.)

Sunday, Dec. 24 — 10:30 a.m. — CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP — This is our one and only Christmas Eve service. It will have all the usual worship elements — and a Christmas play! Our family of faith will welcome the Baby Jesu as only we can!

As the Advent hymn proclaims, “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”

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